Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Connecting My 4th Grade Students

What Does it Mean to be Global?

I would like to introduce the idea of being a “global” citizen in today’s world to my fourth-grade students. It’s important for students to have an understanding that people are different. The world itself is different. Connecting students together is a great way for them to not only investigate and learn about other cultures but also their perspectives about the world. The experience of connecting with others offers a real-world global experience of understanding others and possibly learning something about themselves as well.

Before students can be connected to others, it will be important for them to understand their own “Place in this World.” We will create a flipbook that designates their home, city, state, and country, etc. There will be a page for them to color each of these on a visual map. Next, we will be exploring our essential question, “What does it mean to be Global?” Each student will have the opportunity to respond to this question on Flipgrid. A classroom discussion will be opened up after the students have viewed their classmates' responses. Students will gain an authentic experience by using the PenPalSchools website to learn about schools around the world. Each 4th grader will be matched up with another student from a different country. They will engage in a weekly lesson and answer a discussion question. Collaborative projects also include activities such as creating virtual postcards. All final projects will be uploaded to the PenPalSchools home website for others to view as well.

Students will be entering 4th grade with basic computer knowledge. Before the class will be ready to take on this adventure, we will need to go more in-depth on using the provided chrome books. In the first few weeks of school, we will begin to review the necessary skills they will need to be successful using technology beginning with the ability to log in without a Q card. We will also practice using Google Docs and Slides, and Piktochart so they can become more familiar with how they can create information to share with others using technology. Google Classroom will be used to assign beginning lessons on geography and using a globe. This will enable them to become more familiar with the various locations we will be studying as a class. Information about our project will be sent home for parental approval. This will include a link to the website we will be using so parents can gain further knowledge. The class code will also be available for the parents so they can follow along with the journey that their child is making.

An obstacle might include not obtaining parental approval. In this case, I will have the students work on a different type of activity to produce the desired outcome. I will give the student a few different choices of global areas to choose from to do a research project. The student can then use their chrome book to research education in the location they have chosen. They will be instructed to combine their ideas together and present an infographic using Piktochart. Another possible obstacle may be that we are not in our own building for learning purposes. In this case, I will teach remotely. I will create instructional videos using screencastify. I will also be able to teach and demonstrate lessons using Google Meets in the presentation mode.

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